Ever After Event

Who: Hosted by the Buena Vista Pregnancy Center for all young girls 6th-8th grade
What: Conference that includes great food, music, skits, beauty and more!
When: Saturday, April 25th from 10a-5p
Where: Frontier Ranch
Why: This year’s theme is What Matters? We will be talking about Beauty, Respect, Gentleness and Waiting.
The water lily is a symbol of purity and steadfastness. It’s long, slender stalks grow from the murky waters below and rise up to create still waters within the pond. The lily looks beautiful and delicate but is strong and purifies the water around it. As ladies in Christ, we should have a similar character. We want our delicate frames to be beautiful, but we want to have long, slender stalks deeply rooted in God’s love for us. In this way, because God loves us, we can love others. This year’s Ever After event will be based on Purely Woman, written by Jordyn Wilson and her sisters. We have all sorts of great events planned for the day, so don’t miss out! Look for more information to come.