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Sexually Transmitted Diseases


  • Consider that not having sex or sexual relations is the only sure way to prevent STDs.

  • Practice monogamy. This means having sex with only one person. That person must also have sex with only you to reduce the risk.

  • Abstain from sexual activities until marriage.

  • Get tested for STDs. 

Don't risk giving the infection to someone else.

Know the signs and symptoms of STDs. Look for them in yourself and your partner.  


It can result in an unwanted pregnancy. Each year, almost 1 million teenage women/10% of all women aged 15-19 become pregnant. 

Every year 3 million teens, about 1 in 4 sexually experienced teens, acquire an STD. 

The good news is that you can make a change in your sexual behavior.

Talk to a parent, counselor, or mentor and develop a plan for your future.  

Sexually transmitted diseases, commonly called STDs, are diseases that are spread by having sex with someone who has an STD.   You can get a sexually transmitted disease from sexual activity that involves the mouth, anus, vagina, or penis.  

They are serious illnesses that require treatment.   Some STDs, like AIDS, cannot be cured and are deadly. 

Quick Facts! Most common bacterial STD. Both sexes can contract Chlamydia.

How You Get It: Contact with secretions during sexual activities.

Where You Get It: Vagina/Cervix in females. Urethra and throat in both sexes.

Symptoms: Often none, so you don't know if you've got it. Sometimes Vaginal/Penile discharge and pain with urination.

Test/Treatment: Lab culture test on secretions from infected area. Treatment is antibiotics by mouth. 

Quick Facts!  Gonorrhea is a bacteria. One of the oldest STDs in history.

How You Get It: During sexual activity.

Where You Get It: Vagina, Penis, Anus, or Throat.

Symptoms: Many females have no symptoms, some have vaginal discharge. Males usually have pain during urination.

Test/Treatment: Urine test, lab culture test on infected areas. Treatment is antibiotics by mouth or injection. 


Quick Facts!  Syphilis is a bacteria. It can be transmitted by oral sex.

How You Get It: Skin to skin contact with syphilis sores. Lips, mouth, genitals ...

Where You Get It: Sores on oral, genital, and anal areas.


  Primary Stage: Painless sores on mouth or genital areas.

  Secondary Stage: A rash on hands and feet.

  Late Stage: Includes paralysis and blindness.

Test/Treatment: Blood test. Treatment is with antibiotics by injection.

Quick Facts! It is a protazoa infection (little parasites).

How You Get It: Contact with bodily fluids during sex.

Where You Get It: Vagina/Cervix in females. Urethra in both sexes.

Symptoms: Often none, so you don't know if you've got it. Many women develop a frothy, yellow-green discharge.

Test/Treatment: Pelvic exam and testing of vaginal fluid or urine. Treatment is antibiotics by mouth.


Genital Herpes 
Quick Facts! Herpes is a virus. You are infected FOR LIFE with Genital Herpes.

How You Get It: Skin to skin contact during sexual activity.

Where You Get It: Genitals, mouth, lips.

Symptoms: Some exhibit no symptoms while others experience burning, itching, and/or red blisters on the mouth and genitals.

Test/Treatment: Culture, antigen, and blood tests. There is NO CURE; you can only treat to heal the sores.


Human Papilloma Virus (H.P.V.)
Quick Facts! HPV is a virus. 50-75% of sexually active people have genital HPV at some time in their life.

How You Get It:   Skin to skin contact usually through sexual activity.  

Where You Get It:   Genital skin, in the mouth, and in the throat.

Symptoms: Most people don't even know they have it and pass it on. Can cause genital warts and cervical, penile, and anal cancers.

Test/Treatment: Blood test, culture test, and an examination for warts. Warts can be treated, BUT NOT CURED. Cancers can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy. 

Quick Facts!  H.I.V. is a virus (no cure for the disease).

How You Get It: During sexual activity or from I.V. drug abuse.

Where You Get It:  H.I.V. affects the immune system, thus the entire body.

Symptoms: The virus attacks your body's immune system and you get serious infections, often leading to death.

Test/Treatment: Blood test: screen for antibodies. There is no cure for H.I.V./AIDS. Antiviral drugs to extend life.



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