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Bright Course Classes


We all need help sometimes, and the taking parenting classes is one way for a new mom or dad to earn items for their baby. The program is set up with different lessons on pregnancy, bonding with your baby, safety for your child, how to stop smoking, teaching your child, healthy relationships etc. Clients can choose which lessons they want to take and when they cogmplete the lesson, they get points. They can also earn points by attending church, Bible studies, taking GED classes ... anything that betters their lives so that their family can have a better life. These points can be used to "purchase" items that they need for their baby.

This is where YOU come in!!  

We are always in need of baby items: diapers of all sizes especially larger sizes, diaper wipes, diaper rash cream, PullUps, outfits, bottles, baby toys etc.  By participating, you are part of encouraging parents to better themselves, and in turn, better the life they are giving their child. May the Lord bless you as you consider becoming a part of this program.

To donate securely and easily to the Bright Course Program, please click on the link below:

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