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The Buena Vista Pregnancy Center has been serving the Chaffee County community for 27 years now.
Earn-While-You-Learn Program Club
The Earn-While-You-Learn-Program offers opportunities for learning and personal growth while earning points that can be used to "purchase" new and used items from the "Baby Boutique". You can also earn points towards personal items such as a dinner for two, gift certificates for movie rentals, a washer and dryer, childbirth education classes, doula services, etc.
The Curriculum units range from what to anticipate when you're expecting to enhancing parenting skills and personal/relationship growth. You can choose where you want to start and what you want to grow in.

You can earn points by:
• Enrolling in the program
• Attending your appointment
• Doing the homework for each lesson
• Father attending the appointment
• Donating time at the Buena Vista Pregnancy Center
• Attending GED classes
• Attending classes outside the Center that are teaching you "life skills"
The possibilities are endless!
The lessons are done at the Buena Vista Pregnancy Center with a couselor or mentor. The lessons are intended to help meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs you have as a mom or dad. As you accomplish your goals, you can't help but feel good! The knowledge you gain will help you deal with the everyday issues in family and child development, which will assist you in feeling more confident about your ability to meet the changing needs of your family. If it is true that an informed parent is a confident parent, and a confident parent is what you want to be, then the EARN-WHILE-YOU-LEARN-PROGRAM is for you.
Please call or drop by
our office to enroll in this
exciting program.
Monday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Thursday: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.